Dear Friend,

We may not see each other often, but that’s all right! We have a world of our own; be it family, career or anything in your life, I understand that personal space is very important. I am sure that you already know and understand what I am about to express but I want to take this opportunity to express it anyway!

I often feel that you are in my life for a reason and wonder how lucky I was to have a friend like you in my life. Many a time’s people have come and gone out of my life, but you stayed! You have been there for me whenever I need the most; supported me when no one else did.

You reassured and encouraged me when my confidence hit rock bottom and inspired me to do something which I thought I could never do! You believed in me when I dint do it myself, listened to me when I didn’t have anyone to talk.

I trust you with my life; you may not know, but this is a big deal for me as it doesn’t happen often! I tend not to trust easily. You have entered into my life at the darkest of times like sunshine and made me see the beauty life has to offer. I wouldn’t have come this far without you!

You laugh at my silly jokes and withstand my worst mood swings. You fill my life with happiness and positivity. The most important part is you never gave up on me; it means a world to me! I am lucky to have you in my life and will treasure this friendship until I take my last breath…

I just hope every person may find a loving person like you in their lives. You have a beautiful heart; always be the amazing person you are and spread that infectious smile 🙂



(Your Grateful Friend)

I am taking part in The Write Tribe Festival of Words #6 and this is my post for Day 5, Today’s prompt: Write a letter. #WTFOW

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