It was mid-day and I was immersed in reading “The Fountain Head” by Ayn Rand (which I started reading couple of days back).
As I read, my mind was constantly wavering to remember a quote by her which I came across sometime back. It was diverting my focus, so, without wasting a moment, I turned to Google for help. I usually turn up to a friend of mine (who is a great admirer of Ayn Rand’s work) asking for help but he is busy and non-responsive since few days now, so turned to Google instead!
As I was searching with a memory of very few words from that quote, I stumbled up on this…
“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages”
– Friedrich Nietzsche
It made me think about the troubled position a loved one is in now-a-days and how life is falling apart for them. I can say that, this quote literally forced me to think about relationships in general.
As I was immersed in thoughts, this idea of writing a story applying words of Friedrich Nietzsche in life just popped in my mind…! So here it goes….
It was 8 in the morning…and alarm was snoozing for the 10th time by now…!
Radha slowly opened her eyes and looked at phone to snooze the alarm once again…
“OMG!” Her reaction on seeing the time..! It was past 8 already.
“Ah! How am I going to complete everything before I leave…?” Those were her thoughts as she slipped into her slippers and rushed towards washroom to freshen up…
There was party yesterday at their place and she was tired and lazy to do the cleaning other night and thought of completing it in the morning.
Today was very important to her as she was going to re-start her career after a long gap of 2 years. Gap she willingly took to spend more time with her new-born daughter. She worked hard to clear the interview as it was a challenge to keep track on new technologies and update her skills in-time! All this she had to do simultaneously while she took care of her daughter which is indeed a tough job.
Her otherwise quick footsteps, slowed down as she entered their living room. Everything was neat and tidy. House seemed clean and fresh, she did not even recover from that surprise that an aromatic smell from kitchen caught her attention! She peeped into the kitchen and there was Suyash in the kitchen, her loving husband, who hadn’t noticed her and was busy preparing breakfast. His hands were moving quickly with an ease like a master chef accompanied by his infamous humming.
Suyash always had an interest in cooking but it’s been 2 years now that Radha hadn’t allowed him to put-in his additional effort in kitchen. She always thought that “He is the only person working hard to help this family meet the ends of the day; I should make it as comfortable as possible when he is back from work!”
Suyash’s humming stopped abruptly as he noticed Radha quietly standing behind him with tears rolling down her cheeks but with that infectious smile on her face; That Smile is one thing which Suyash loved a lot. Her smile had always managed to make him go crazy!
“Honey! You know I do not like to see tears in your eyes” he said as they both hugged!
He wanted everything to be perfect today, as she was about to start her career again by joining in a very reputed MNC. The party he hosted other night was also to celebrate his wife’s new beginning.
As he served her favorite breakfast which was a cheese omelet, he said “Jaan, don’t you worry about the work at home, I will sort that out with help of Ratnamma…and also will take care of Riya. You just enjoy your day…”
Radha smiled at him, remembering Suyash’s words from one of their conversation’s before marriage…
“I want to be your friend first more than a partner…!”
“He knows me well!” she thought…
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Really nice story. I enjoyed the exploration of what marriage is about, especially because I’ve never been married.
It is my dream to have such a relation, especially that i am not married yet 😛
Thanks a lot Alice for your kind words!
nice one
Thanks darling 🙂
Beautiful words …..very true …..if they r best friends they make a happy marriage …….
Yea they should be friends first before anything 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
True understanding in a relationship is what makes it s success; loved the story on the quote Keerthi!
Yes indeed shalz. Understanding and trust are like basement for any relation! Thanks a lot for ur kind words 🙂
Loved the quote and story you weaved around it. I’m so glad that you’re maturing as a fiction writer. We discussed on this earlier as well that you have a great capacity to grow as a storyteller. Keep up the good work, Keerthi! 🙂
Aww Somu 🙂 means a lot when it come comes from a dear friend. All thanks to you that you pushed me towards writing 😀
perfect relationship ever!
Yes indeed! Thank you for dropping by 🙂
yes this is what everyone aspires for
…But doing things in practical will decide everything.
It is mutually dependent like there is a saying “It takes two hands to clap!”
yaa absolutely
This is a very heart warming example of a good marriage. It is an extremely idealistic situation though, yet feels good to read in a hope that this kind of a couple may exist somewhere in the world.
Yeah they do exist…I witnessed it 🙂
Thank you for stopping by anupriya 🙂
I love this short story. It is so true that to sustain a healthy happy relationship it needs strong friendship as well as love
Yeah a bit of both indeed! Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Very true! Happy marriage needs a strong friendship bond.
Yes indeed! Thank you for stopping by 🙂
Engrossed in my fav book the fountainhead wow, that too with a nice story of a happy friendly couple, lovely.
Guess I am also smitten by Ayn Rand by now 🙂 Thank you for stopping by Pragun!