“Don’t succumb to the situation… Raise above them and soar high my dear” said a father…
“Don’t cry my little one… Instead, challenge and show them you are no less!” said a mother…
“Don’t break down… Rise from the ashes like a phoenix blazing its wings” said a friend…
“Don’t give up… Instead, keep calm and the storm shall pass” advised a mentor…
“Don’t put that pen down…Let the thoughts flow,” said a well-wisher…
Every one of us must have heard something similar which inspired us and gave us the strength to move forward…!
No height is that distant if one learns how to reach it. When a bird that doesn’t know how to fly, tries to fly at certain height it might crash to the ground, but if it tries hard and learns how to fly and reach the top… well obviously it can land safely when the situation demands.
One can always become a better reflection of oneself, when worked hard to cross the limits/barriers.
Learn from the mistakes and outgrow them!
Linking this post with Friday Reflections
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Awesome post Keerthi ?
Thank you Abhijith 🙂 Glad you liked it!
You are welcome buddy ?
How very true, Keerthi. That timely support does wonders to our soul and encourages us way beyond what we’d have achieved alone.
Yeah its just we have to draw inspiration! Glad you liked it Esha. Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Those words of encouragement are much needed. Well said, Keerthi.
Thank you for the read and appreciation vinitha 🙂
To keep learning from our mistakes and to move forward no matter what – matters in the end and helps us a great deal.
indeed! Thanks for the read bhavya 🙂
Lovely write-up… keep writing and inspiring.
Thanks for the read and appreciation 🙂